Teeth Scaling
- Removal of plaque
- Minimally invasive dental cleaning
- Painless & very comfortable procedure
- best materials & specialist care
Dental Filling
- Cavities
- Congenital defects
- Filling the tooth
- Restore the health
- Structure
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral cancer surgery
- Treatment of oro-facial pain, neuralgic pain
- Correction of congenital defects
- Maxillofacial trauma
DENTISTRY & Endodontics
- Drill into the tooth
- Remove infected soft tissue
- Clean the canals in the roots
- Seal the tooth from further infection
- Comprehensive Examinations
- Comprehensive Examinations
- Emergency Care
- Habit & Athletic Appliances
- Early Orthodontics
- Aesthetic occlusion
- Malocclusion correction
- Spacing / crowding
- Midline diastema closure
- Bite adjustment
- Crown
- Bridge
- Veneers
- Dentures ( complete/partial)
- Implants